A crumbling asphalt driveway is more than just an eyesore—it can indicate underlying issues that could lead to costly repairs if not addressed promptly. Fortunately, understanding the causes of deterioration and the best solutions can help preserve the driveway’s structure, curb appeal, and lifespan.
Here, we’ll examine some of the most common reasons behind crumbling asphalt and effective repair solutions. For reliable and quality service, companies like NWS
Sealcoating offer expert asphalt repair and maintenance solutions.
1. Inadequate Installation
Asphalt is more likely to crumble and deteriorate if it was improperly mixed or laid. Cracks and disintegration might occur in the driveway as a result of surface weakening caused by weak adhesion between asphalt layers.
2. Flooding
When it comes to asphalt, water is a major enemy. Inadequate drainage allows water from precipitation or melting snow to penetrate asphalt through tiny crevices, freeze, and then expand, rupturing the pavement. Crushing can occur as a result of this freeze-thaw cycle over an extended period of time.
3. Sunlight
Asphalt, when left unprotected from the sun over long periods of time, can eventually become brittle and lose its elasticity. Without a protective sealcoat, this makes the surface more likely to crack and crumble.
4. Constant or Excessive Traffic
Asphalt driveways can be damaged by strong traffic or frequent heavy loads. Trucks and trailers put pressure on the asphalt layers, which can cause the surface to gradually wear away if the foundation is weak or has changed over time.
5. Severe Heat and Cold
Asphalt stretches when it's hot and shrinks when it's cold. This recurrent cycle, if not adequately managed, can lead to fissures and, in areas with high temperature changes, the driveway's final crumbling.
6. Inconsistent Upkeep
The likelihood of wear and tear on driveways increases in the absence of regular inspections and maintenance. Small problems can be kept from becoming major problems by doing routine maintenance such as sealcoating, repairing cracks, and making sure there is sufficient drainage.
1. Patching or Resurfacing
It may be more cost-effective to repair or resurface driveways that have small surface cracks or crumbling. When you patch asphalt, you fill in the damaged areas, smooth out the surface, and then seal it to stop water from getting in. To restore the driveway's look and longevity, another alternative is resurfacing, which involves applying a new layer of asphalt over the old one.
2. Heat-Applied Asphalt Repairs
When dealing with bigger sections of cracked or broken asphalt, hot asphalt patching is the way to go. By bonding hot asphalt to the existing surface, this method creates a smooth repair that seals off any potential entry of water and debris.
3. Applying sealant
Driveway Sealcoating is applied to the surface to protect the driveway from ultraviolet light, water seepage, and cracking. This prolongs the lifespan of the road. As a preventative step, it is advised to apply a sealcoat every 2-3 years. If you seal the surface, it will be protected from things like rain and fluctuating temperatures.
4. Appropriate Methods for Drainage
To avoid water pooling on the driveway and seeping into the house, it is crucial to have a drainage system in place. To lessen the likelihood of water damage, channels, drains, or slopes can be installed to direct water away from the surface.
5. Inspecting and Maintaining on a Regular Basis
Regular inspections, together with fixing little problems as they come up, can greatly lessen the chances of major harm. Annual inspections can help identify and treat minor cracks, dips, or water pooling before they deteriorate.
Asphalt driveways require the expertise of a professional service provider for regular maintenance and repairs. Asphalt maintenance services, such as sealcoating, crack filling, and pothole repairs, are NWS Sealcoating's forte. They are experts in repairing asphalt driveways of various kinds and can make repairs that are both long-lasting and aesthetically beautiful.
Water damage, ultraviolet radiation, and neglect are three of the many causes of cracking in an asphalt driveway. Resurfacing, hot asphalt patching, and sealcoating are efficient options that can restore the strength and beauty of your driveway, even if these issues may seem daunting at first. Preventing small problems from becoming big repairs is possible with regular maintenance and expert services, such as those provided by
NWS Sealcoating, which will preserve the durability of your driveway for many years. Homeowners can avoid expensive repairs and maintain a beautiful driveway all year long by being proactive.
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Milan PA 18831
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